
you electrify my life

this song really does something for me lately. makes me want to dance and jump for joy, while simultaneously bawl and reach out and touch somebody's hand. does that ever happen to you? no? just me?  ok. 



Coachella was amazing. I still haven't taken off the wristband. Despite the almost intolerable heat and my body's usual rejection of the outdoors (I will not be camping again), I had one of the best times of my life. I laughed, danced and smiled (pretty much) the whole time and I'm already feeling nostalgic. Thanks, Coachella. 
See you on the flip side. 


Gone to Coachella - back on Monday

most looking forward to Kings Of Leon, Wiz Khalifa, Kanye, Sleigh Bells, Lauryn Hill, Cold War Kids (again), Arcade Fire, The Black Keys, Robyn, Monarchy, Empire of the Sun, Mumford and Sons...who am I forgetting? 

And of course discovering and falling in love with new music